Monday, January 4

наш'та гордост!

you know how we always say 'new year, new chances' and all that?
i thought it very inspirational to have the opportunity to tell you about a boy who took his one lots of years ago, and is now going to rightfully bask in the outcome of it. and i also find it very inspirational, that this person, as it is, always inspired me in a way, but he probably doesn't know that. [yeah, i'm not feeling too eloquent today..]
he didn't quite cure cancer, or invent velcro or build a spaceship, exactly [although i'm sure one day he will. build a spaceship that is.], but in this small universe we grew up in, in this forsaken environment we got 'shaped and molded', he did something prettyy damn cool, and he is the first one to do it here. he filmed/put together/montaged/edited/etc the first freestyle/freeride ski movie for bulgaria. sure you'd say, that's been done, we have snowboard flicks and stuff. but i think it honorable, cause i've known him for quite a while and it's a one hour movie that he went trough with himself.

the premiere is going to be on the 7th of Jan [thursday] 8:30 at "дом на киното",
movie is called 'Desire To Fly' by Hristian Ignev
so i highly suggest you be there and give him a big ol high five! :D