Saturday, January 30

airport games

sometimes watching the people go by, you just want to make up their stories. you don't know if it's better or worse than where they really are, but you feel pretty good about getting invested - even if you never see them again.
sometimes i wonder about the stories people might make up about me. because everywhere we go there are probably as many stories times as many stories in the room, that is - each and every person's story, and then, all the stories everyone might make up about each other.
it's dizzying, really. and interesting. and best of all it puts you in the past of learning from observation. you know, you'd be surprised - if you really pay attention - what you can come to know about people if you just look quietly and deeply enough.

[i wrote this a while ago, but just got reminded of how fun it is to play stories while waiting at the airport; so many different people, all going somewhere, you wonder where, why, are they running towards something or away, visiting, moving, working... ahh]

Saturday, January 23

creative break

recently, i've been under constant sunday syndrome,
every day is kind of the same, and every new thing i find here, is never really new,
so i'm officially taking a break, i guess 'these things just happen', as
they say.
i got the travel bugs again, and since i have the time,
i think that would be the best possible solution to feeling 'stuck'.
but don't take it the wrong way - my being stuck is still not the worst kind of being stuck,
since it has a definite end in sight, it's just that i have to be patient.
and that waiting game, to me, has always felt like being stuck :}
so here's to the discovery of the unknown and something to tell the folks back home..
and a soundtrack to it.


Sunday, January 17

happy 100

my 100th post,
my 1st lomo picture,
and my 22nd birthday.
probably the first time i've been speechless as well.

i'll be celebrating on my birthday at my all-time favourtie restaurant and after that my currently favourite club, so anyone who knows when and where that is is welcome to join in.
don't expect invitation calls [in fact, my cell will be off all day, 22 years of 'здраве,щастие и любов' can really grind your nerves], it's free will this time, but i'm counting on everyone, of course :P
and don't bring flowers wrapped in plastic unless you are prepared for a lecture on co2 emission, melting icecaps and the extinction of the innuit race and polar bears..

Thursday, January 7



Monday, January 4

наш'та гордост!

you know how we always say 'new year, new chances' and all that?
i thought it very inspirational to have the opportunity to tell you about a boy who took his one lots of years ago, and is now going to rightfully bask in the outcome of it. and i also find it very inspirational, that this person, as it is, always inspired me in a way, but he probably doesn't know that. [yeah, i'm not feeling too eloquent today..]
he didn't quite cure cancer, or invent velcro or build a spaceship, exactly [although i'm sure one day he will. build a spaceship that is.], but in this small universe we grew up in, in this forsaken environment we got 'shaped and molded', he did something prettyy damn cool, and he is the first one to do it here. he filmed/put together/montaged/edited/etc the first freestyle/freeride ski movie for bulgaria. sure you'd say, that's been done, we have snowboard flicks and stuff. but i think it honorable, cause i've known him for quite a while and it's a one hour movie that he went trough with himself.

the premiere is going to be on the 7th of Jan [thursday] 8:30 at "дом на киното",
movie is called 'Desire To Fly' by Hristian Ignev
so i highly suggest you be there and give him a big ol high five! :D