Friday, February 20

decision day

so... should i get back to it?
i just cashed a new check of freetime, and going on with this has given me quite some sleepless nights. it's hard, you know, when you have abandoned something(or someone, actually) for such a long time and then you try to get back on track, but jumping on a constantly moving train(understand that as a metaphore for both the blog and old acquiantance) is just not that easy..
is it worth the effort, really? you tell me.



Anonymous said...

You should!

daniel s said...

I so agree. Go for it, you can't leave it like this. Right? :)
Greets again, DS.

kat kat said...

Ναι ρε, πουλακι μου! Μιν μασ αφεινεισ!

the ting thing :P said...

lin lin! 6tiax da kaja da, ama kato te gledam si po4nala!
cunki po mucunkii